About Me

I have a deep interest in computer science and electronics. My main interests are in embedded systems and robotics, operating systems and kernels, and programming language implementation.

I also have a passion for languages. Я знаю українську мову. Я учил себя русскому языку. 现在我正在自学汉语。

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Education & Experience

I am currently studying BSc Computer Science at the University of Southampton. I also have A-levels in Maths, Further Maths, Computer Science and Physics and completed an EPQ about vulnerabilities in currently deployed computer systems.

I know several programming languages such as C++, C, Java, Python and Rust, and I am familiar with embedded devices. I also have experience developing low-level code and software for highly-constrained systems.

I spent a summer in Canada completing a Globalink Research Internship provided by Mitacs. This was 12 weeks at Lakehead University helping to develop tactile sensing modules for autonomous robotic agents.

I am Head of Software for the Southampton University Formula Student Team. This involves being in charge of several projects within a department of over 50 people.

Past Projects

Here are some projects which I have completed.

Contact Me

You can find me on LinkedIn and GitHub, or you can email me at me~tgodfrey.com*.

*(Formatted correctly with an at-symbol instead of the tilde.)